Strega Nona, over-proofed dough!

Adventures in Sourdough

June 22, 20161 min read

Here is my last series of sourdough baking: we ended up with 2 standard loaves, 1 freeform loaf, and 1 pan of cinnamon rolls. Delish!

(Full disclosure: when the neighbor girls (ages 4, 7, and 8) sampled the East Texas Sourdough…they spit it out. NO JOKE! haha. My kids ATE IT UP!)

I froze the standard loaves.  The cinnamon rolls were prepped then refrigerated overnight for Sunday morning. Before Mass, I left them out on the counter to warm and rise, and voila! A fabulously fresh breakfast treat.

I think I like the bread semi-frozen best of all!  Cold dense bread… mmmmmmm. I really didn’t think anything could beat fresh out of the oven bread. but wow.

sourdough that looks like strega nona

sourdough on counter

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